Child support requirements in Illinois


New Member
My ex and I have been divorced for almost 4 years now. We have 50/50 custody of our two girls. At the start of the agreement, I (the mother) made more money, and therefore was ordered to pay child support. This includes half of the medical insurance. Now, I have a job that pays 40% than my previous position, and I know I now make significantly less than the father. This change of employment was by choice for my sanity and health. I am aware that since it was my choice I cannot petition to pay less child support, nor am I angling to do so. I am only wondering if I would be required to pay more as insurance and cost of living goes up? If the father petitions to have child support increased, can I refuse since I now make much less than he does. Again, I am not asking for a reduction in what I currently pay. I am only asking if I would be ordered to pay more if the situation arose.
am only asking if I would be ordered to pay more if the situation arose.
Strangers know nothing about your situation and/or legal dilemmas.

If you seriously desire the answers to your queries, you should contact your state's child support collection agency.

Alternatively, you could seek REAL, APPLICABLE TO YOU, legal advice from one of thousands of Illinois licensed attorneys.

also have an on-line portal that provides details on payments and balances, allowing you to easily track and monitor. Being enrolled in on-line services also allows for communication of case details via email. Register by clicking here.

Collect and Enforce a Child Support Order

If your support is not being paid, we have programs to help collect past due child support payments. Program services will include efforts to connect parents with employment opportunities, support service programs, and skill training through the FRC program. Additionally, CSS staff will pursue collection and enforcement programs. We can help to get the other parent to pay and have specialized staff available to handle cases when a parent can pay but is unwilling.
If your support is not being paid, we will use the following methods to attempt to collect child support payments:
  • Tax offset intercept
  • Credit agency reporting
  • Passport denial
  • License denial or suspension (driver's, hunting, fishing, professional)
  • Lien on bank accounts, property, etc.
  • Court hearing
  • Collection of unemployment benefits

Calculate/Recalculate Payment Amounts (Modify Up or Down)

Recognizing circumstances can change, we can assist parents in calculating or recalculating payment amounts, either up or down. If a significant change in circumstance occurs, it is important to take action quickly. Contact a child support service representative for guidance. A review could determine if child support payments should remain the same, increase or decrease. Visit the Request a Modification link for more information.

"Refusing" isn't an appropriate response to a "petition." If he petitions for an increase, you can oppose his petition on the basis that you now make less.

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