Child Support Services order or enforce payments


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Can Child Support Services order or enforce child support without a judge's order? We are legally separated with no agreed upon custody arrangement, and the other parent had our children's Medicaid switched to them as the primary parent without my knowledge.
Can Child Support Services order or enforce child support without a judge's order? We are legally separated with no agreed upon custody arrangement, and the other parent had our children's Medicaid switched to them as the primary parent without my knowledge.

When you spoke to the agents of your state's child support collections bureau, what were you told?
The agents of that agency are the ones to speak definitively as to what they do.

Here's a link to their website FAQ. Once you read the information provided, you can search other information:

Child support agencies can arrange for voluntary support orders, and assist with establishing paternity.

If one of the parents refuses to participate, the agency will then go to court to seek a hearing on the matter.
Its at that point that both parties must comply with the court process.

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