Child Support v. Disability Benefits

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New Member
My ex left in 1998, leaving me w/ the children. She received their benefit checks from 1998-2001, apparently by falsely claiming to SSA that the children lived with her. In 2001 we were divorced and she received two bulk payments in excess of $9900.00 each. N.C. child support guidelines state that disability is counted as income but is deducted from the child support obligation. I have been attempting in court to receive credit against my child support for the disability sums she has received. Everyone acknowledges my claim and the documentation I provided, but no one is doing anything about this credit. The court will not rule on it and the child support agency attempts to dismiss my case every time we go to court, claiming that it has been heard before. It has been heard on multiple occasions, but never resolved. In the meantime, my ex has received over $20,000.00 from my disability that I have not received credit for. All of my claims about her fraud, and all of the documentation from SSA that shows the sums she has received, has been presented to the court. I am just not sure what to do at this point, or which avenue to take without hitting walls. My ex took all of this money and used it for her own benefit. Any of this money she gave to my children, they were forced to pay back. This has gone beyond a "money thing" - there is a principle involved. My own children have stated to me that "Mom has gotten away with everything she's done to us". I feel that I have to keep on with this fight to prove that justice can prevail and to show them. What chain of events do I need to start to get this matter resolved? Are there any laws or statutes I can refer to to support this matter? My children are now 18 or over. My ex has now been pursuing arrears for a good while and has attached my unemployment, as well as garnishing my bank accounts in the past and attempting to garnish tax refunds, property, etc. I contend that with the sums of disability she has received, I owe nothing and in fact she may owe me for sums overpaid. Thanks for any help at all.....
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Something here does not seem to make sense, you say you had the kids, yet also claim you owe child support?
When my ex left 1998, she left the children with me until 2000, when she went back to court for custody. Between 2000 and 2001, she ended up with both children living with her. I have paid child support since 2001.
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