child support

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I have two children and my ex has decided to reduce the amount he pays in Child Support (CS) because he feels that the kids are older (14 & 11 yrs) and no longer requires a baby sitter. To make matters worst for me and fabulous for him, he buys a house and gets himself in a higher debt so that he would not be force to pay the correct amount of CS. This is his way of thinking… why give it to the kids when he can invest his money for himself. What should he pay if he earns 52,000 and I earn 75,000?
There are several thousand child support calculators on the internet.

Run a few hundred to see what numbers you come up with.
He cannot reduce the amount without a court order. Has Dad put in for a reduction? You can easily argue that this does not qualify for a change in circumstance. You should google your states child support guidelines and child support calculator and see what you come up with.
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