Child support

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My husbands oldest son will be 18 years old in July, we reside in Ga, and my husbands three children reside in Michigan.My husbands oldest son has dropped out of school, but we were recently told that he is enrolled. My husband called his case worker in Michigan and was told that as long as his son was enrolled in school(even if he never attends one day) my husband will have to continue providing support for him. Really? He is living with his girlfriend at his mothers, he is dropped out of school but as long as he is ENROLLED we have to pay? Wow, the case worker said that they will send a letter to his exwife and she will have to take it to the school and have them verifiy that he is "enrolled". Is this something we can debate?
Who is the recipient of the 18 year old's child support?

The 18 year old isn't receiving the support.

You might have been speaking to a con-man or con-woman associated with the kid or his mother.

Child support isn't predicated on whether the child attends school.

Read the court order about the support.

If child support hasn't ended, it is about to end, whether the 18 year graduates high school this year or not!!!!!

More than likely, the court order directed support up until the child's 18th birthday or high school graduation.

The kid is an adult.

School ends in a few more weeks, as will the kid's support payments from you guys!
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Thats what I thought also, but my husband contacted the Friend of Court (child support Enfocement) in Michigan and thats what she said, she said that he had to pay support as long as the child was "enrolled"in school. Even if he never attended. As long as he was enrolled? WTH? I dont understand. My son turned 18 and they sent me a letter stating that he was anicipated and that child support would stop,they didnt ask if he was still "Enrolled"in school, they didnt care..18 is 18 and thats an adult. What should I do?
Thats what I thought also, but my husband contacted the Friend of Court (child support Enfocement) in Michigan and thats what she said, she said that he had to pay support as long as the child was "enrolled"in school. Even if he never attended. As long as he was enrolled? WTH? I dont understand. My son turned 18 and they sent me a letter stating that he was anicipated and that child support would stop,they didnt ask if he was still "Enrolled"in school, they didnt care..18 is 18 and thats an adult. What should I do?

Okay, the ex-wife gets support for the 18 year old.
Does she have other children with your husband?

Is this support pursuant to a divorce decree, custody order, or an administrative order from a state agency or state attorney general?

You say in Michigan, the payments go through the friend of the court.

Your hubby has to petition the court which ordered the support to stop or decrease it, because the child is now an adult and will be (or should have been) graduating.

It isn't your hubby's fault the kid screwed up.

If the support resulted from an administrative order (FOTC), they need to be noticed and the support lowered or stopped.

If they say hubby has to pay until the kid is 21 (they sometimes do, because they get a cut of the loot), you'll have to go to court to get the payments stopped!
Okay, Yes they have 3 kids together. His son Tyler is the oldest,he pays almost 950.00a month and was told that when Tyler does come off after graduation(whenever that may be) he will only cut his support payments by 100.00. Ugh. thank you for all your help.
And the court order was in a divorce decree and the friend of Court came into play when my husband asked the support be taken from his check every month.
babieduc13 said:
And the court order was in a divorce decree and the friend of Court came into play when my husband asked the support be taken from his check every month.
Bad move to ask them to take it out, bad move.
Your hubby should petition the court for a reduction in support.
He was paying for three, Soon it'll be two.
He should petition now and keep paying.
When it's reduced, the court will allow an offset.
He'll get credit.
He better not waste time because time is money. His money, your money.

Ask for the reduction because the kid is making adequate progress and will not graduate.

Ask the school for his progress, a counselor will usually help you.

Or subpoeana the counselor to bring the school records and testify as to the boy's lack of diligence and effort.
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