child support

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I have just found my son that I have not seen in years. We have started a new relationship which is great, the problem is he was legally adopted by his moms husband back in 1996 AND I'M STILL PAYING CHILD SUPPORT. I have asked for a review from my case worker which she has refused, I was told I would have to furnish adoptions papers and new birth certificate for her to do so. I have a copy of the birth certificate but unable to get a copy of the adoption papers thru the courts or my ex. How do I get this problem resolved. We live in the state of ohio please help struggling dad.
You must have released your custody rights to the child for there to have been an adoption. If you did not release those rights then the child was illegally adopted and someone is in deep trouble. Did you release your rights?
Another possibility... Were your rights involuntarily terminated? Were you in arrears on your child support? Are you sure he was adopted?
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