Child Support

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I had a couple of questions with people who have been through this before. I am kinda lost at what I should do here. I had a kid with a girl out of wed-lock we were not dating all that long only for a couple of months and she became pregnant, and now my son is 2 and a half months old. I have a couple questions regarding medical bills, she wants me to go halves on all her bills doctors,hospital, etc.. I am kind of sketchy on this seing I do not have any proof of what amounts actually came out of her pocket. She is 19 years old and lives with her mom, I do not know who actually paid for those bills her or her mother. She said she would wait a couple months to file child support against me through the courts but I do not know if this is a good idea. Right now I am helping without the courts by going to the store and buying things my son needs right now I have also placed him on my medical insurance through my work. I also am seing my son about 3 times a week. I guess a have a couple questions in one sorry. I am also engaged right now to somebody else. Another thing I am worried about is when i get married do they look at my soon to be wifes income also for child support?? I do not know how much I am going to be paying monthly for child support but it seems to me that some if this money will be pocketed for herself and not my son which I fear. She is not paying any sort of rent at her house and does not really have any bills at all accept those of course she is paying for my son. I need advice on this situation, should I still try to do halves with her medical bills??? Or should I tell her that comes out with child support after it goes through the courts??? She typed up a huge list of medical stuff she claims she paid but i do not know. I know she is a single mom and probley signed up for alot of things to get free but am unsure, I just do not want to start giving her free money that she did not pay out that my son will never see. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks guys.

First of all what state are you in?

Secondly, has paternity been established, meaning did you sign the paternity paperwork at the birth? Are you listed on the birth cert? Do you know for sure if you are the father?

In order for her to get child support, she needs to file for it. Paternity will have to be established if it hasn't already. I recommend doing this if you did not sign the paperwork asap to determine if you are the father or not. If paternity is not being disputed, well then I guess the ball is in her court but you should get child support, and visitation/parenting plan set up through gthe courts. Also address medical bills, child care, etc..

You might want to google your states child support website and get info there.

It's good you are helping her out with the baby financially but be advised, you do not have too. Don't give her everything till a court tells you too. When you give her money, document on the check or money order that it is child support so she cannot come back and say you did not pay her anything.

Many states use a shared income child support guideline, which means an income will be imputed for her most likley if she does not work.

As far as medical bills, right now it is your decision to pay half if you want but insist on seeing them. Be aware, if she files for gov't assistance, the state will come after you for reimbursement.

You need to protect yourself here. Does she know you are enagaged? She could try and play some games with you down the road if things are not set up through the courts.

Your future wife's income generally is not used for child support.

Let us know if you have any more questions.
I am in the state of OH, I did not do a paternity test at the hospital and signed the papers. I am sure he is mine he looks like me and has my blood type even know that is still not 100 %. My name is on the birth certificate and he has taken my last name. She has given me a very large list of things that she wants money for with all of her medical bills, so then I should wait for the court on that?? I wouldnt want to pay half of her medical and have the court come back at me telling me to pay half the medical when it was already paid. I have not directly actually written any checks to her but have been going to the store myself and getting things on my debit card so none of these items have been bought with a check. Yes she does know I am engaged, another question about this is does it matter who's name is on my lease for my apartment??? Should I only have my name on the lease and not my fiance's?? I am kind of short on money right now and it would be very difficult for me to seek a lawyer at the moment. So you are saying if I help with her medical bills and then she files for government assistance they will come after me???? This is why I am very hesitant on helping her with her medical right now without it going through a court. I beleive there would be too much she could do or lie about just to get an extra buck. When she files for child support is it automatically deducted out of my paycheck or do I send in a check?? Also is there any way she can lie when she files for child support to get more money??? For example, can she lie and say she pays rent to her mother when she doesn't or lie about her income?? She has gotten pretty testy with me over some issues. I am a catholic and wanted to raise my son Catholic and asked her nicely to hold off on him being baptised until I find a suitable parish to become apart of, she then decided she was going to setup a date for him to be baptised at her church and basically told me I really do not have any say so on his religion, she only made that threat but told me that we could raise him catholic - christian. Just on another side not my family also has given her money directly probley about 100 bucks or more and I have no clue what this money went to. I have never been in such a difficult situation in my life, I hope I can get this squared away ASAP and get into some sort of routine. This seems too confusing without it going through the court. Since she is living with her mom are they going to take in her income too??? I know her mom knows alot about this stuff, she has been divorced 2 times and has children from 2 seperate marriages so I am pretty sure she is some what guiding her on what to do in the situation she is in. I just dont want her to stiff me on anything. Thank you for all of you information.

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