Children in the physian's office

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I work in a specialist's office in PA. We do some surgical procedures in the office. One of my staff feels strongly that children should not be permitted in the office when a parent is waiting for a spouse who is having a surgical procedure. (These are minor procedures) She has suggested to patients that if the child is fussy that perhaps child care should be provided. She instructs patients before surgial procedures and is the surgical coordintator for the office. SHe has only beeni in this postion a few months.
I as the manager have requested that she not discuss child care with patients and that patients could be offended. To me it borders on discrimination. I have never had a problem with any children in our office and it is not an issue on a daily basis.

This staff member has told me that she has seen signs in physician's offices requesting no children in the office. I have never seen this.

What do you know on this issue?

Can a physician's office request no children in the office?

Would this not be discriminatory?
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