Children's fathers child support is ridiculous


New Member
My kids father has never paid his child support and its only set at $100 dollars. The reason being I was in an abusive relationship with him and to this day am still having problems getting justice. But when we went to set up child support he made me agree to the minimum because he was unemployed. They told me they could make it higher but I said the minimum because I was scared of him. I want it raised but last time I called they said no because non payment. He works under the table so they cant prove where he works and he tells them unemployed. One things changed since setting it up though there is now a custody arrangement and he only gets them 5 hours per week. At first there were no arrangements. Can I modify under this change in tn? I thought about getting a lawyer since he made me do it. But I cant afford one.
What did the CSEA tell you when you spoke to them? If it's been less than three years, CSEA is unlikely to hold any kind of hearing. And how do you expect to get blood from a turnip? If Dad is determined not to pay CS, he is not going to pay. Some people go to great lengths to avoid CS, and end up tanking what little retirement they would have received from Social Security, among other problems they create for themselves.
Child Support Program - TN.Gov
Nearly 20 years I divorced my EX wife and rewarded less support than you got for 3 kids! We got nothing for nearly a year then she got a min wage job and we saw maybe $50.00 a month through garnishment. She found a way around this and now collects SSA which cannot be attached. Kids are all now adults and we never saw more than maybe $100.00 for this. Bottom line dont expect much or put a lot of time into this. Everything said above is 100% correct in my view and you will drive yourself nuts or find yourself always angry if your not careful. Let child support do what they can but again dont expect much. I had CS working on my case and you now know results. If you use link in my signature line (parentnook) you can meet and talk to other parents who have been through this and read their results as well.
Nearly 20 years I divorced my EX wife and rewarded less support than you got for 3 kids! We thing for nearly a year then she got a min wage job and we saw maybe $50.00 a month through garnishment. She found a way around this and now collects SSA which cannot be attached. Kids are all now adults and we never saw more than maybe $100.00 for this. Bottom line dont expect much or put a lot of time into this. Everything said above is 100% correct in my view and you will drive yourself nuts or find yourself always angry if your not careful. Let child support do what they can but again dont expect much. I had CS working on my case and you now know results. If you use link in my signature line (parentnook) you can meet and talk to other parents who have been through this and read their results as well.
Thank you for your reply that really helps me. He has put me through so much I guess trying to raise the cs was my way of getting some kind of something for him not being a good father. I know Ill never see a dime no matter what and driving myself crazy over it doesnt help.
If you voluntarily agreed to less, it is going to be very difficult and take a huge change in circumstance to get it raised. You had a chance to get more and chose not to. if he isn't paying the low amount, he certainly isn't going to pay a higher amount.

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