ChildSupport- when 18 in college and living with friends

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I am father of four. Oldest started college last year and lived with me until 3 months prior to her 18th birthday and moved with Mom. Mom did not inform me that she moved out just after moving in with her as child suppourt would .

Question. My 18 year old daugher, now in college and living with friends supporting herself gets NO money from Mom but I pay mom over 700 a month for her to live there. The order states when child turns 18, we return for child support modification. We have submitted a OSC and my ex is responding to it and the Court said they would rule in early March. Do I still need to pay util then ? Today is January. I would enjoy three months not paying that extra to her.. Should I wait.

I was told the law is if she is 18 and not living with us or her, and working and paying her own way through college, I should not need to pay.. Do I need to wait for the Court to read her response..before I stop paying
Unless your decree says otherwise, you can usually stop paying once they are 18. If your decree says you are to pay as long as she is a full time student, then you need to pay.

If she is 18 and your decree does not specifically state you must continue paying through college, you can probably stop.
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