Chimping out...

army judge

Super Moderator
I remember that...The owner was a freaking moron. She is responsible for that attack. Wild animals are not meant to/should never be treated as a pet. Travis was subjected to a unnatural like and he snapped.

I agree.

It is never wise to attempt to tame or domesticate any wild critter.

Yet, humans persist in many follies.

Michael "King of Pop" Jackson engaged in such a practice. It didn't end well for him, either.



Jane Goodall, often said she believed Bubbles had been punched in the face and kicked in the stomach while living with Jackson. Goodall, one of the world's top primatologists, claimed that when she tried to talk to the star about it; he flew off the handle.

Bubbles initially lived in the Jackson family home in Los Angeles, he later was moved to the Neverland Ranch, where he reportedly slept in a crib in the singer's bedroom and shared his toilet.

Poor Bubbles.

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