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New Member
i was sitting at this bank at like 2:30 in the morning waiting for my driver to come and get me a cop see's me and pulls in and i panic and drive off. i go about a 100 yards before he pulls me and asks me what i was doing at the bank, i tell him, he doesnt believe me and asks for my drivers license and i dont have anything cause i decided to wait till im 18 to get my license. he gave me a citation for it and i dont know what its good to do- either use my prayer for judgement or what?? im so confused about what they would do?? help please.
What do you need a prayer for judgment for? You plead not guilty and have your driver testify on your behalf (or at least provide an affidavit that he came and picked you up that evening, on or around a certain time.) What was the citation for?
Not having a license -- then you should not be driving--

Not much you can do but plead guilty -- or you had better go to the DMV and get your license ASAP and show it to the courts.

Of course the cop is going to pull you over-- you should have just stayed put-- he would have walked up to your car to see what your doing there anyway. the cop talking to you is not the trouble -- the trouble is not having a license and operating a motor vehicle
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