civil action against a college in racial persecution

Gennadiy Zhosan

New Member
Dear Sirs, Madams, I am an immigrant who fell a victim of harassment from a community college instructor during the spring 2020 semester. The OCR had informed me that it understands my allegation to be that the Recipient discriminated against me on the basis of race, national origin, and age when a Recipient teacher treated me disrespectfully in several ways in class. Still OCR had refused from taking this case, on the 'insufficient factual basis' pretext. Nonetheless OCR is advising me to file a civil action for injunctive relief in federal court following the exhaustion of administrative remedies, which I am going to prepare myself on the pro se basis. I actually do have a couple of questions in this regard, what are my chances to win in this case and if I can find some consistent legal assistance for taking councils on affordable pricing. For I found most of referral services provided with the CalBar simply isn't working and lawyers shows no much interest in my case. Thank you.
Dear Sirs, Madams, I am an immigrant who fell a victim of harassment from a community college instructor during the spring 2020 semester. The OCR had informed me that it understands my allegation to be that the Recipient discriminated against me on the basis of race, national origin, and age when a Recipient teacher treated me disrespectfully in several ways in class. Still OCR had refused from taking this case, on the 'insufficient factual basis' pretext. Nonetheless OCR is advising me to file a civil action for injunctive relief in federal court following the exhaustion of administrative remedies, which I am going to prepare myself on the pro se basis. I actually do have a couple of questions in this regard, what are my chances to win in this case and if I can find some consistent legal assistance for taking councils on affordable pricing. For I found most of referral services provided with the CalBar simply isn't working and lawyers shows no much interest in my case. Thank you.
We will need some details of how you were discriminated against.
I found most of referral services provided with the CalBar simply isn't working and lawyers shows no much interest in my case.

Lawyers are very hungry beasts.

Lawyers, as do most capitalists, love to pursue money.

If lawyers appear to show little interest in your case, in all likelihood, your case probably isn't as GREAT as you may believe.

Even if your case is solid, but your ability to HIRE a lawyer is limited because your finances aren't STRONG, lawyers will seek to feast elsewhere.

All you can do is keep seeking a lawyer, or learn to live with disappointment.
If your reason for posting is to find representation, please note that we are not a referral service and reputable attorneys do not troll message boards looking for clients. You can contact your state Bar association, your local Legal Aide, or any law schools in your area for referrals.

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