I know. I thought I uploaded the documents. Can you not see it?
I'm bound to lose this case simply because he is wealthy with a good lawyer and, I am the opposite. He has made it seem as if I am a drug dealer making drugs at my home.
At the time he filed this complaint there were myself, my son, his girlfriend and her Mother living out my house. I am the only one with a automobile in the household so at times there was a good bit of going in and out the driveway. I've lived here since 97' so my son and I know alot of people that are ,(were), welcomed to come by anytime. I have always been diplomatic and unbiased so people often come to me if they have relationship issues. Any type of relationship.
To my neighbor, this many people means drugs. And fires being burned, with the occasional plastic or other thrown in,( which people learn very quickly how much I am apposed to pollution, if that happens) means making drugs.
When my son had a vehicle he would drive it rather he had gas or not to the friendly neighbors across the street. Mind you my easements 1/2 mile long. He ran out more than once. One time he left it on side of driveway longer than he should have. Plaintiff called police. Police ran tags. Vehicle in my name. Police came to "make sure I'm ok". One Bartow county regular car, one drug task force with K-9 unit and one game warden in his black pick up truck. I comment on it being odd that they were running together. They blew it off. Asked to come in out of cold wind. I obliged. They never mentioned my neighbors had called them.
Later, neighbor alleges that I hit his mailbox in retaliation to him call police because it was hit the next day ! Absurd! Law has been called to my house more in the year since ive had these neighbors , than in all the years I've been here. Since 1997. Probably hoping police would see what they suspected. They did not.
They are gathering whatever they can hoping to prove me a nuisance. I have complied to everything I could, being the diplomat that I am. Thinking it would resolve itself. They tell their lawyer that things are worse! This tells me that I cant please him other than just not being here.
Did I mention that I have never spoken to this neighbor? He always has his phone recording video of everyone he sees in the easement. I think trying to provoke an incident. He recorded and called police when my son's little chorkie died and son was crying very upset , walking with his little lifeless buddies of 5 yrs to good neighbors cause he was home alone.
I dont hardle go out side at night anymore, I never walk to the end of driveway. I used to enjoy that very much. I'm afraid of being confronted or videotaped by this man who obviously thinks his better than I. Maybe so , but only financially.
If I lose, judge would most likely award him by having me pay his lawyer fees. That is going to be at least the upward of $100,000.00.
I believe his plan is for me to not be able to pay that as ordered. That would give him ability to buy my home. Then he'd have noone driving through his property and he could live happily ever after.
Oh and I filed for interrogatories. Probably falls under production or such. I want to see the videos he plans to use against me and the names of the couple who lived with them. That person told me he moved out of their home because he was sick of hearing my name.
Plaintiffs response was
objection :that's to much footage to go through and would be to time consuming and expensive to give me all videos he has of me and my guest.
Objection : he dosent see why I need the prior roommates info for any reason other than to harras them.
I have never harrassed anyone ! I'm really upset he.has formed such a strong opinion of me when we have never spoke to eachother.