New Member
My husband has been threatened with a civil suit for a post that someone else placed on the internet about another person. We have looked at the post and there is nothing in it that is false and could not be proven, with the exception of one paragraph, that we are still not sure of the exact events that took place. Maybe the poster has more information than we do, but we are not sure. The poster most likely went by the same information that were supplied with, but we are still fighting to get the records on the specific event. It is in reference to child abuse. The information posted lists out everything that has a paper trail and lists out where the paper trail can be found. The person who's name is listed on the post and is now threatening my husband with the lawsuit has asked my husband for the name and address of his attorney. My husband did not post this and knew nothing about it being posted until the person discussed in the post told HIM about it. But since it is all information (although true and mostly public record as well), can this person really sue him and win a case against him? Can this person even sue and win a case against the actual poster? If so, what does Freedom of Speech really mean?