Clueless Codger Cleans Chinny Chin Chin

army judge

Super Moderator
I saw that video Friday night and shows yet more proof that Biden is being overcome with dementia and that the US Press is protecting him.
After several months now I have little doubt that our government is no longer presided over by a President. There is simply no way this potato has it together enough to do the job. I do wonder who all is on the politburo running the joint.

And as I have said before the media is obviously in on this cover-up.
After several months now I have little doubt that our government is no longer presided over by a President. There is simply no way this potato has it together enough to do the job. I do wonder who all is on the politburo running the joint.

And as I have said before the media is obviously in on this cover-up.

O'bama and crew have their weekly conference call to feed the DOJ and crew the messages for the week. Luckily for them they have the lackey so called news reporting crews to get their messages out to the uninformed and clueless followers of their narrative.
What will ultimately become of the millions of unidentified border burglars?

How many INNOCENT US citizens have been infected by this multinational invasion force, masquerading to the mannequins among us as DISADVANTAGED refugees fleeing unidentified war zones???
What will ultimately become of the millions of unidentified border burglars?

How many INNOCENT US citizens have been infected by this multinational invasion force, masquerading to the mannequins among us as DISADVANTAGED refugees fleeing unidentified war zones???

I equate it to a corporation who is seeking to get their diversity and ethnic makeup to certain percentages. Unleash a virus that eliminates 5-10 percent of your national citizens, replace those deceased citizens with third world people who come in as government dependents. What could go wrong? You are replacing a group of citizens who didn't support your agendas with people who could care less as long as you give them hand outs. Easier to control that way you know?

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