Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant clueless in texas

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:confused: never been arrested but how long can they take for the inditment and for them to arrest
they took all the evidence with them and we think we are being investagated.and phone tap but we have never been in trouble before. but the star witness/snitch went to jail the following day for beating his wife and stayed in jail for about a week and then he got out and then he ended up in jail again. but we still havent heard anything from anybody but the officer said that we would be arrested on jan 19 but that hasnt happen now its been 42 days since all of this has taken place. so we are clueless.
you leave us here pretty clueless about what happened. But if a crime has been committed, the prosecutor has a lot of time until he has to file a complaint. The police might still be investigating, they might have a grand jury convened without you even knowing that etc. The prosecutor might have a year to decide until any statute of limitation runs. May be more, may be less, it all depends on the details. Sometimes people get charged two, three or more years after the crime was committed because the police did not have enough evidence until then.

In Texas the statute of limitations for misdemeanors is 2 years, for most felonies 3 years, and for some specified felonies even longer or not existing. The prosecutor always has the time to file charges until the statute of limitation limits it.
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Yes, it always is good to have a clean record.
texas when they came in to my house and started putting hand cuffs on me i had ask if i could make a phone call and the officer told me no. i though when u got arrested that u could call a lawyer before we answered any questions.?
then on top of that while they were gathering the chem they were pouring some of the stuff down the drain and in our yard (i have pic)
took everything else and took our hand cuffs off and said we we get a visit from an investgator but nobody never showed up. they said we would go to court on the 19th well its already been over 42 days.
but what i dont understand is they didnt take us in to jail :(
boyfriend of clueless in texas

I am soon going to be arrested for trying to save 2 familys from destruction of a convicted felon and his wife and friends,I tryed to stop him in the wrong way and I got busted for his stuff and I will soon be arrested for the crime in which a lot of people i help will be without now including my 3 young children,I need help but have nowhere to turn except a prejuditial justice system as I am poor,I've been raiseing my children on my own now going on 3 yr's and now soon as the 19th hit's I will be arrested for a crime I was blamed for.I'm so sorry I did'nt consult GOD first but the laws would do nothing for the safety of these 2 family's I set out to help and now I'm faceing his charges and it doesnt look good even though I've never been in trouble before so I am asking for help to tell my young kids what is about to happen and the people that I have been takeing care of,they have noone else to really turn to and I have no hope off keeping my freedom please help me prepare my kids for this and look after those that I have been and GOD have mercy on me for what I did.
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