Coach getting harrassed and bullied by a parent and the school isn't doing anything!!

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I'm a high school baseball coach and for over the last month-two parents are making complaints to the school that are untrue-Their sons who play for me are telling them every move I make- Then they call the school and complain- I've already caught them in a number of lies and told the school- The school continues to believe them and refuses to ask any of my players or any other parents if the complaints are valid. The school has threatening to fire my assistant coach and he did nothing wrong. One of the fathers talks at the game to anyone who will listen and badmouth me- I asked the school to seek the truth and they haven't. I also told them that we are being bullied and retaliated against because his son is not playing the position he want too. Can i file a harassment claim against the school and the parents? I can't take it anymore-
OP, you can file a claim against anyone you wish.

But, those parents are voters and taxpayers.

You might be better off to resign as coach, or discuss your options with your athletic director or principal.

I've found it better in life to negotiate, and avoid lawsuits and other quarrelsome matters.
Wow! How long have you been coaching, OP? Every coach of high school players will almost inevitably face a parent who does not agree with how the coach handles his or her son (or daughter).

While such parents can undoubtedly be a pain in the behind, you do not have a legal basis for precluding them from complaining to school administrators and/or criticizing you in the stands during the games. Even assuming you are covered under a civil service protection system and/or a union contract, neither protection will shield you from this type of criticism. At bottom, based on your post, you cannot file a harassment complaint because two parents "badmouth" you as a baseball manager.

As a practical matter, if the administration "continues to believe them," then you probably want to find another teaching/coaching position at another school. (BTW, what does the administration believe? Alex should play shortstop ahead of Derek?) If this criticism concerns nothing more than playing time and/or game strategy, then the administrators should back you 100%. If the administration will not do so, then you and your assistants probably need to find somewhere else to work.

One final thought: Separate your disdain for the parents from your objective evaluation of their sons' respective talents. Parents are usually suspect talent evaluators. However, every now and then, they can be right and the coach is wrong. For example, when he was a sophomore Michael Jordan was cut from the varsity basketball team. Three years later he started for North Carolina. The rest, as they say, is history. That high school coach failed to see something more accomplished coaches realized later on.
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