Collecting child support for the past

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I am separated from my ex-girlfriend for a few years. We have a child, which I am supporting by frequent babysitting and some minor household help and based on oral agreement. My income is about 20,000 a year, hers is about 100,000. Sometimes she is raising a demand for a cash as an addition to what I already do to support a child, which I decline, since the cost of my effort translated in even a minimum wage labor payment would significantly exceed the money I would pay her by the court order based on their
table for child support calculation… anyway my question is:
Can she successfully collect some amount of cash for the past through a court later on . We live in CT and never had any legal proceedings regarding this issue.
Thank you for your advice.
Past due childsupport during a legal separation and other

I am going through a legal separation. My husband has not paid any child support for our one 2 yr old child. He has only given me $50 in the past 2 1/2 months of legally separating. What can be done?
Kitty please start another thread. But unless there is an order for him to pay child support, he doesnt have to pay you anything.

Khaulauster, she can techncially go after you for past due support unless you can prove you were supporting the child. Babysitting is not consideed support since you are a parent you are exptected to do that anyways. You really should google your state child support guidelines or see legal aid or an attorney. But she is only entitled to child support from the time you 2 are no longer in a relationship. Hooefully your state will take her income into consideration.

Also, since she makes considerably more than you, she could potentially be stuck paying your legal fees if you need to see an attorney. Consult local counsel.
Why do men who take care of their own children call it babysitting? Duranie is right, that is what you are expected to do any way so it is not part of supporting your child. Consider it visitation. No matter how much you make or she makes, you are required to pay monies for child support. If it goes to court it will be based on your income and like Duranie said from the time you separated. I recommend getting a legal agreement now rather than waiting longer and having weven more arrears build up. And if you give any money (preferable a check stating support or something in the notes), or buy things for the child from this point forward keep receipts.
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