Roomate collecting rent from a past tenant


New Member
My ex lived with me for many years and was asked to pay rent but would not pay. Then I asked her to leave for three years before she did; since she refused to pay rent. During the whole time that she was there she was having mail sent to the residence, some of the junk mail which I have that was still coming after she left. Do I have a case to go after her for the money she was asked to pay?
Are you the only one on the lease & you were just letting her live there with you but expecting her to pay rent without any written lease "agreement" between you? You said you asked her to leave for 3 yrs. before she did. Was there any reason you couldn't have done a legal eviction earlier?
The issues are stated perfectly above by our fellow members. If there is no lease, written or oral, then there is no right to charge rent because there never was an agreement to actually pay rent. If your ex didn't pay rent when asked, your remedy was to do exactly what that probably stated loud and clear - make your ex an ex as soon as possible!

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