Garnishment collection attorney

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A collection agency "lifted" a charged-off debt from a credit report. They proceded to use a collection attorney. We disputed the debt through the credit reporting agency, and they agreed it was in error and removed it from the credit report. Now the collection attorney has doubled the amount of the original debt to $4000, even though we have not had an account that they are suing us for. They are now asking for a summary judgment, and I am afraid they will try to garnish our income which is $680 per month. We are senior citizens who live well below the poverty level, and we are being taken advantage of. We cannot afford an attorney, and we have no idea how or what to do with the legal documents. This seems like a big scam, and we are being forced to find a way to do a bankruptcy, but without an attorney we don't know what to do. Can you offer any advice. Thank you.
What's the nature of your income?

If it's SSI and/or SSDI, they cannot touch it - period. SSI cannot be touched for any reason, and SSDI can only be garnished to satisfy certain Federal debts (such as old child support).
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