collection dispute

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:( Recently....a doctor who saw me roughly 3 years ago sent me a notice from a coolection agency that I owed roughly $2,000. for services rendered. I contacted the collection agency stunned and confused telling them that #1 I hadnt heard from that doctor in almost 3 years ( since the time of services rendered). I was never billed by the doctor's office. #2. I was on Medicaid at the I assumed they had to accept the payment received by that insurance company.....and #3. I came into the office with a written referral and all insurance cards so therefore billing should NOT have been the issue.

Does the doctor's office have a right to turn this over to a collection agency when I was NEVER notified or billed ever before....not even once??? I had no idea that there was ever a i statrd i hadnt heard from his office since I had seen him roughly 3 years ago.

I wrote a letter to the billing department of the doctor's office...stating all of these facts....telling them they needed to take this up with the insurance company and re-bill or accept whatever payment was given to them. They simply have not gotten the collection agency off my back. I am concerned for my credit. I really cannot afford a lawyer to fend the collection agency off of will probably cost more to fight the case than the bill is worth.......but at the same time i had no idea there was ever a bill and I do not feel it is fair I should pay it......anything I can do???
You shouldn't be so worried yet. A collection agency is nothing more than a company that makes money collecting the debts of another in that they receive a percentage of what they can collect. What you should do is make sure that you send a notice to the collection agency in writing that you dispute the validity of the debt just to make sure, and send it either certified return receipt or fax it and keep your fax receipt. The problems occur when a collection agency reports the information to a credit reporting agency, e.g. Equifax, Experian, TransUnion. Once you dispute the validity of a debt the collection agency is supposed to close the account and send it back to the creditor. By sending them written notice they will be hard pressed to deny that they had received a valid dispute and it should prevent this alleged debt from hitting you where it hurts -- on your credit report.
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