Collection question / Worldcom Wireless

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This is a common question that requires a litte history,
Here goes....

I had MCI Worldcom wireless cell phone service. As some of you may know, they were hell. Bills came late and were always wrong. They never had me on the correct rate plan thus making my bills higher than they should be. Upon calling customer service and fixing the problem, I would pay my bill via credit card only to have it NOT posted to my account. On 2 occasions within the year of service I had to fax a copy of my bank statement to worldcom highlighting the removal of money from them to prove payment. In June of '02, the final bill of approx $400 came ing that was disputed by me and lowered to $230. I paid it. Once again they removed the money but never posted to my account. As you may know, they went bankrupt. A little while later the original $474 went to collections.

I never responded to the first few letters because I paid it and was sick of the headache. Now I'm attempting to negotiate with a collection agency out of WA, I'm in CT. They sent me a letter stating they'll accept $238 as settlement-in-full. Now my questions.

How can I be sure they won't either post the difference to my credit report or sell the difference to yet another collection agency to get the remainder? I've received a fax stating they 'waived the early termination fee' but that's not truly the case. I don't owe a early termination fee. I considered a conditional endorsement letter but not sure how to cover 'all the bases'. The reason why I'll pay is just to get them off my back.
My credit is important and just want them to leave me alone.

If anyone can offer assistance I'd appreciate it.
It is common practice to settle debts for the lowered amount. On your credit report I believe it is recorded as a settlement of a debt for an amount less than claimed, which may or may not have an effect. The bottom line is that it may be more of a hassle to deal with it than pay such a small bill which you owe at least a portion. While it irks you (and believe me I understand), there is a time value of money and in this instance it might be best to get rid of it if you owe it anyways. There has been a concession made.

Originally posted by Testing9010
This is a common question that requires a litte history,
Here goes....

I had MCI Worldcom wireless cell phone service. As some of you may know, they were hell. Bills came late and were always wrong. They never had me on the correct rate plan thus making my bills higher than they should be. Upon calling customer service and fixing the problem, I would pay my bill via credit card only to have it NOT posted to my account. On 2 occasions within the year of service I had to fax a copy of my bank statement to worldcom highlighting the removal of money from them to prove payment. In June of '02, the final bill of approx $400 came ing that was disputed by me and lowered to $230. I paid it. Once again they removed the money but never posted to my account. As you may know, they went bankrupt. A little while later the original $474 went to collections.

I never responded to the first few letters because I paid it and was sick of the headache. Now I'm attempting to negotiate with a collection agency out of WA, I'm in CT. They sent me a letter stating they'll accept $238 as settlement-in-full. Now my questions.

How can I be sure they won't either post the difference to my credit report or sell the difference to yet another collection agency to get the remainder? I've received a fax stating they 'waived the early termination fee' but that's not truly the case. I don't owe a early termination fee. I considered a conditional endorsement letter but not sure how to cover 'all the bases'. The reason why I'll pay is just to get them off my back.
My credit is important and just want them to leave me alone.

If anyone can offer assistance I'd appreciate it.
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