collection validity?

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I rented a vehicle last January, and the vehicle was subsequently backed into by another individual (while it was parked), and they admitted liability. I filed a claim with their insurance company and with my own, after they other insurance failed to pay the bill to the rental agency.

Apparently my insurance company settled the debt with the rental agency. However, the insurance company claims a debt for loss of use, and "administrative" fees, for handling the loss.


1) Is this a valid debt. The rental agreement states obvious responsibility for damages. However, how is that treated with respecte to someone else's fault.
2) The rental agency sent the "bill" to a collection agency while my insurance company was handling the damage payment. Is this legal ?( state of accident is CT)
3) If I need to sue the opposing party for damages, how do I handle and out of state claim. Can I sue the other party for having a collection against me and credit damage?
What was the problem that your insurance company had with regard to a settlement with the insurance company of the defendant? Did they explain how and why you were being charged? Did you speak to someone at you insurance company? Best to do this first, I would think.
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