College Negligence


New Member

I'm a student at the Community College of Vermont and last night I was skipping class due to my depression (I don't feel comfortable around people of I'm feeling down and I also am Diagnosed with Aspergers and anxiety as well) where they told that "You have to leave the facility (which is not a mandatory rule) So at this point I was kicked out of the building and was not allowed to get contact some for a ride (Im about a 20 minute car ride from the school) so walking home was not an option. So for the next two hours I had no where to go so I wandered around Morrisville, Vermont until 8:45pm where apparenly around 8:15pm the school decided to have the police search for me because two hours after they kick me out they all of a sudden "Are concerned." I think it was more my ride was coming and they didn't want to explain to my parents why their son isn't anywhere to be found. That night it was about 20-35 degrees out, raining. All I had was a light sweatshirt.

My question is: Can I sue CCV for "Negligence", I also feel like can hit them with "Failure to Supervise" The school forced me to spend two hours in freezing tempatures with rain falling, no way to Contact my family for a ride home, no where to go that warm.
Based on what you posted, I don't see anything you can sue for. Sorry. (You apparently didn't suffer any type of damages.)
Inconvenience, irregularity, unhappiness, discomfort, caused by your recalcitrant behavior; never rises to the level of damages sufficient to sustain an action against others alleged to have caused your distress.
No, you walked around in the cold because that is what you chose to do when you skipped class. Most community colleges will not allow those not attending class or participating in some academic activity to just hang around at night. It is a security issue. You could have gone to class as you were supposed to, used a cell phone or pay phone to call for a ride, gone to a coffee shop or other open business, visited a friend, or any number of other activities. You suffered no damages other than those you caused yourself due to your own choices. The school has no liability here and is not there to babysit you as you are an adult.

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