College Re-admission, medical release

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What are our options?
My daughter is a college senior and a Resident Assistant. After two emails from Professors, who said she is "not her usual cheerful self...appear to be depressed", the RA coordinator insisted my daughter either submit for a mental health evaluation or she would have to give up her job as an RA. My daughter checked into a mental health facility, thinking it would only be for a couple of days. I gave the facility her medical insurance information. She was diagnosed as stressed and mildly depressed. After attending three group sessions (Alcoholics Anonomyous, Grief Counseling and Arts/Craft), my daughter realized this was a mistake and asked to be released. (She does not drink; no deaths.) Hospital refused to release her. She asked to see a Patient Advocate; again, request refused. I arrived on the 2nd day of her hospitalization and insisted on her release. I wanted to have her evaluated closer to home (about 150 miles away). Doctor refused to release her and receptionist threatened insurance would not pay for 2 day stay if I took her out against medical advice (AMA). I took her out anyway and made an appt with a psychologist close to home. Her college will not re-admit her until she receives a medical release. The psychologists near home diagnosed her as mildly depressed and recommended she take the remainder of the semester off and attend out-patient counseling sessions for managing stress. She wants to be re-admitted to school - while attending out-patient counseling sessions. Both she and I believe this is an "overblown reaction".
What are our options?
My daughter is a college senior and a Resident Assistant. After two emails from Professors, who said she is "not her usual cheerful self...appear to be depressed", the RA coordinator insisted my daughter either submit for a mental health evaluation or she would have to give up her job as an RA. My daughter checked into a mental health facility, thinking it would only be for a couple of days. I gave the facility her medical insurance information. She was diagnosed as stressed and mildly depressed. After attending three group sessions (Alcoholics Anonomyous, Grief Counseling and Arts/Craft), my daughter realized this was a mistake and asked to be released. (She does not drink; no deaths.) Hospital refused to release her. She asked to see a Patient Advocate; again, request refused. I arrived on the 2nd day of her hospitalization and insisted on her release. I wanted to have her evaluated closer to home (about 150 miles away). Doctor refused to release her and receptionist threatened insurance would not pay for 2 day stay if I took her out against medical advice (AMA). I took her out anyway and made an appt with a psychologist close to home. Her college will not re-admit her until she receives a medical release. The psychologists near home diagnosed her as mildly depressed and recommended she take the remainder of the semester off and attend out-patient counseling sessions for managing stress. She wants to be re-admitted to school - while attending out-patient counseling sessions. Both she and I believe this is an "overblown reaction".

I'm sorry to hear about your daughter and wish her the best in recovering from this difficult situation. You've got a bit of a challenge here - two different opinions, including one of your own choosing, who both think it in your daughter's best interests to take time off. You haven't given me a reason to believe this is an overreaction and I'm guessing the school will say the same.
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