Colorado Misdemeanor Child Neglect - Regaining Parental Rights and Custody

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I have a question regarding a situation where I know of 2 children in foster care, both under the age of 10. Parents were divorced and in the heat of moment type of situation, mom and dad had several physical altercations with each other in front of the children and the children were removed from the home and are in foster care. The county social services court denied that appeals of both parents. One parent is seeking to regain parental rights and full custody of both children by filing a complaint with the state at this point and to at least gain reunification through the process. It is my understanding that no efforts were made for reunification with one or both parents. Now 1 parents, 1 year post divorce, wants to pursue reunification/regain parental rights and custody of both children. Any info on how best to proceed in this situtation and if it is possible still at this point in the case. As far as anyone knows, the children are still in foster care, about 5 mos. now, and have not yet put up for adoption. :confused:
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There is generally a reunification plan put into place - why didn't this happen? (There would be a reason, generally).

Do the parents still have rights? Was there an involuntary termination?
No reunification plan in place that I am aware of; both parents have lost parental rights

As far as I know, both parents attended parenting classes, etc. as required, and did an appeal to the county that denied parental rights, the appeal was denied. Is the only option at this point to file a complaint with the state? I may not have all of the details, this all of the information that I have.
Here's where I'm confused.

It would take much longer than 5 months for the State to terminate the parental (not custodial, I hasten to add - there is a huge difference) rights of both parents. There is a rather lengthy reunification process too that generally must be adhered to unless the CHILDREN were actually severely abused or neglected.

Is it possible to get one of the parents to actually sign up? I'm not sure you have all of the details.

If that's not possible, the only thing I can suggest is that the parent speaks with a competent attorney.
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