Colorado, My friend's landlord moved into her fully rented house and won't leave. Urgent help needed


New Member
Alright so, I have a good friend over in Centennial, Colorado with a family and here is the situation. She's asked around, had to call the police before (when arriving they told her they can't help), and is at a loss for what to do at this point, but really something needs to be done. I'm going to post here and look around, but any and all advice from someone in the know would be wildly appreciated.

She leased a house back in July to a landlord for a year, had all the documents signed, the regular paperwork and deposits in. The landlord was supposed to move out and change states. Apparently his job fell through so he told her he was moving into the basement. There were no legal documents or anything signed, it was a decision he made and not her, and to be polite she told him he could stay there temporarily, as in a few weeks.

The thing is...he didn't leave. He didn't make a new contract. She still has to pay rent. And has been harassing her and her family relentlessly about everything, even at times being physically violent (in which the cops were called). He also has difficult to control pets, and is basically intimidating her into living like this since the summer. She can't move places in the market currently, doesn't have the best credit, and has been stuck there with her kids for some time now just trying to deal with this and not knowing how to move forward.

Anyways, here's a copy of her lease with all personal info marked out, here's really hoping someone can offer her some advice. She is currently planning on meeting with someone, but frankly does not particularly have the money she needs to hire a lawyer.

I'm trying to upload the lease in photos, hopefully it works.

Even if you guys could send us over to a site or somewhere else where we can get the proper advice, it'd be seriously appreciated.


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Alright so, I have a good friend over in Centennial, Colorado with a family and here is the situation. She's asked around, had to call the police before (when arriving they told her they can't help), and is at a loss for what to do at this point, but really something needs to be done. I'm going to post here and look around, but any and all advice from someone in the know would be wildly appreciated.

She leased a house back in July to a landlord for a year, had all the documents signed, the regular paperwork and deposits in. The landlord was supposed to move out and change states. Apparently his job fell through so he told her he was moving into the basement. There were no legal documents or anything signed, it was a decision he made and not her, and to be polite she told him he could stay there temporarily, as in a few weeks.

The thing is...he didn't leave. He didn't make a new contract. She still has to pay rent. And has been harassing her and her family relentlessly about everything, even at times being physically violent (in which the cops were called). He also has difficult to control pets, and is basically intimidating her into living like this since the summer. She can't move places in the market currently, doesn't have the best credit, and has been stuck there with her kids for some time now just trying to deal with this and not knowing how to move forward.

Anyways, here's a copy of her lease with all personal info marked out, here's really hoping someone can offer her some advice. She is currently planning on meeting with someone, but frankly does not particularly have the money she needs to hire a lawyer.

I'm trying to upload the lease in photos, hopefully it works.

Even if you guys could send us over to a site or somewhere else where we can get the proper advice, it'd be seriously appreciated.

The Colorado Bar > Home

Tell her to call the bar association and get several referrals for Attorney's that practice LL/Tenant law. They will likely give her a consult at a reduced price...IF they are seeing potential clients
Be aware that most, if not all, legal options will be delayed until the pandemic abates and the courts can open again. It is highly likely that her lease will be over before the virus is. If he behaves violently she should call 911 and follow up with a RO.
...she told him he could stay there temporarily...

This is where your friend screwed up, and why police can not help. She should not have moved in until he moved out.

...even at times being physically violent (in which the cops were called).

Has she sought a restraining order?

...hoping someone can offer her some advice.

Despite the difficulties, she should move. It will be the fastest and simplest solution.

She likely won't get much help from the court. I agree that the lease will have ended before any court will have taken action anyway. She should give advance notice of intent to move when the lease expires and try to stay polite with the landlord to make the transition and return of her deposits easier.

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