Commercial or personal debt issues !!!

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I need an advice about business debt collection.
In the beginning of 2004 I opened a business credit card account with a big national bank.
On a credit application I putted my business name (registered with a state fictitious d/b/a name) and I signed this application as a member/manager, officer and guarantor with my social security on it.
An owner of this fictitious d/b/a company was my regular small corporation LLC also registered with the state of Florida.
I was a member/manager of this LLC (ex. One Dollar Enterprise LLC) company jointly with my wife.
Credit card was issued on a fictitious business d/b/a name (ex. One Dollar Store), but monthly statements showed both names, fictitious business name and personal name, for example:
"One Dollar Store (fictitious name)
John Smith
and an address".
At the and of 2004 we sold the business (with about $30,000 loss) and we dissolved an LLC company with the state of Florida.
At the same time we stopped making payments with the balance of about $5000 on it.
In the mean time we move to other location and we did not receive any bank statements any more.
Between 2005 and 2007 I have received few collection letters from few different collection agencies from out of state, but I did not responded to it.
But recently I have received a collection letter, with my personal name on it only (no business name on it), from a lawyer also out of state, with a demand of immediate payment of almost $10,000.
I have a 30 days for dispute or validation of this debt.
Like I said this is a letter not a summons.
So my questions are as follows:

1. Does this debt is business or personal ?
2. Does this debt is under the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act or not ?
3. Do I have a chance to fight it ?
4. Do I have to response to this letter or not, and how ?
5. What I can do if I have no any records ?
6. Am I immune because of business dissolution ?

Any response will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much for your time and expertise in advance. I'm very grateful.
Best regards.

P. S. Of course I can afford to pay this business debt.
The Bank never reported this debt to any personal credit report agency. I did not see this debt on my credit reports.
I can't answer your question. First, if the company was incorporated, then technically you shouldn't be liable. It is a separate entity. However, I don't know if you were a personal guarantor on the agreements being sued on, which would make you liable. You need to find out what agreement they are suing on in order to make determinations. It sounds like they set up the account just so that they can sue you personally in case the questionably healthy business went under.
I can't answer your question. First, if the company was incorporated, then technically you shouldn't be liable. It is a separate entity. However, I don't know if you were a personal guarantor on the agreements being sued on, which would make you liable. You need to find out what agreement they are suing on in order to make determinations. It sounds like they set up the account just so that they can sue you personally in case the questionably healthy business went under.
Yes, the company was incorporated as LLC with Florida secretary of State.
Yes, I was a guarantor.
So, in this case do I have to respond tp their collection letter now, or I have to wait for a summons/complaint from the court ?
Does this case meet the FDCPA rules or not ?
Thanks in advance.
Do I have to respond to collection letter now or I have to wait for summons ?
I can loose some important rights under a FDCPA rules if I do not deny it now ! If I don't deny now a debt will be valid and they don't have to validate a debt ! Am I right ?
What is your opinion on this ?
The FDCPA only applies to "consumer" debts (primarily for personal, family or household purposes). You have no FDCPA protection. You personally guaranteed a business loan/obligation for your LLC. Since the transaction was for a business debt, you have no FDCPA protections. You're stuck with the bill, and with little to no consumer protection.
You mean that it doesn't matter if I respond to a collection letter now or at the court ? This will be the same result for me, if I do it now or after I get a summons and complaint from the court ?
Am I correct that it makes no any difference at all ?
How about a validation of debt ?
Now or by discovery request ?
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Which option for validation of debt is better for me: respond to the collection letter now under FDCPA rules or later after summons and complaint with discovery request ?
Can I get some protection under the FDCPA rules ?
Request validation if you want, just remember the collection attorney isn't bound by the FDCPA in it's actions to collect this debt. I don't have all the details, so I can't tell you how best to proceed. I will reiterate that the debt does not fall under the FDCPA. Go to court and put as many defenses as you can realistically/logically present.
good luck

p.s. if you owe it, you should just pay it.
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