Thanks for responding.
I am adding some more details that may be helpful:
I have been discriminated at this job since beginning, My manager was very incompetent and has been always making false statments about my performance,
they signed a poor performance review in March. They gave me short term goals and to complete those I had to work extremely and due to that I developed this disability ,
I applied to STD in late April and I took a week off . My neurosurgeon signed 2 months disability at that time.
I complained to HR about the false statements in the review and they changed my manager same day. In early May new manager started to take over my group.
So I returned to work after using 5 sick days to complete a critical project despite serious pain , I hoped I could work out with the new manager.
Later I didnt want to lose my STD right and I re-applied to STD in Jun and 2 days later I was terminated.
So I used total of 7 sick days before my second STD application which is more than Elimination period. (The elimination policy of STD is 5 days.
The Metlife's decline letter is at the bottom .
The wording of when the policy ends is below:
When Benefits End. An employee will no longer be considered eligible for
STD benefits if or when he or she:
(1) Is no longer disabled, as determined by the Claims Administrator.
(2) Is no longer under the ongoing care of a physician or is no longer
receiving appropriate care and treatment.
(3) Is no longer continuously complying with the requirements of such
appropriate care and treatment.
(4) Fails to provide forms and/or information requested by the Claims
(5) Refuses to be examined by an independent physician or a licensed
and certified health care professional as requested by the Claims
Administrator, who has the right to require an examination or
evaluation of an employee, at no expense to the employee, at any
reasonable time while a claim is pending or payable.
(6) Is not considered disabled by the Claims Administrator, based on an
independent medical exam report or functional capacity evaluation.
(7) Has exhausted 25 weeks of STD benefits (Reference EXHIBIT A).
(8) Refuses to discuss with the Company and/or refuses to accept
reasonable accommodations regarding work arrangements that
would enable the employee to return to work.
(9) Is no longer a participant in STD benefits because the Company has
ended or amended the program.
(10) Commits any fraudulent act in connection with a claim.
(11) Is confined to a penal or correctional institution.
(12) Separates from the Company (e.g., resigns, moves to a Company
subsidiary, retires, dies).
Sep 30, 2019 CI-560-2 CI-560-2
Jun 5, '17 15 PAGES
(13) Performs work at any other paid employment or self-employment
(including any dual employment that was authorized prior to the
disability absence) during a period in which the employee is
receiving STD benefits
The decline response from STD company is below

Thanks again