company relocation issue

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My company recently moved me out of state. I own a home in my former state that is for sale. The company said they would cover me for 6 months(not in writing). When I expressed my concern months ago about the possibility of my home not selling in that time, due to the bad market conditions, I was told dont worry about, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Well, my 6 months was up 2 months ago, and I can not get any cooperation out of the company to continue covering my mortgage. I am at risk of foreclosure because I can not afford to make 2 house payments. Does the company have any legal responsibility or can they just walk away and leave me in a financial mess?
No, your company should be responsible for helping you out since that was part of the verbal contract that you entered with them. As a word of caution, in the future, try to get these things always in writing - avoids the he/she said situation. Go back to management, ask them to please, take some quick action since you are not risking foreclosure. If no reponse, find yourself an employment attorney to help you with guidance on how to proceed next. Good Luck!
You may want to consder renting your house out with option for renters to buy, especially if it looks like it won't sell for a long time.
Wanted to add that the company only has a limited responsibility, you must mitigate your financial problems such as renting etc, lower house price and so on.
I know everything should have been verified more in writing. I asked several times before the move and after, what would happen if the house does not selll in 6 months and was told every time not to worry about. We will cross that bridge when we get to it and was always assured I would not be responsible for 2 house payments. I have lowered the price of the home to where I am going to lose money and I have a lease option on it as well. The HOA does not allow me to rent it out. I have done alot on my end as well. Know I have been trying to talk with the company about where to go from here, but I can not get any answers or cooperation...not even an offer to move me back. Can they legally just walk away?
All you can do is sell the house at whatever you can get for it and see if the mortgage company will agree to a short sale if you are upside down.

your company is not responsible if they already paid for 6 months. The market is bad everywhere and that should have been considered before you moved.

You can ask your HOA for an exception to rent it out due to a hardship, and only until the place sells? Maybe they will reconsider.
I did take it into consideration and repeatedly asked, I was always assured by the company that they would work something out. Yes, it should have been in writting, but I never thought a large scale company throughout the southeast would leave me and my family in the position we are in.
Like I said before, find an employment attorney who will give you guidance on how to proceed next. Good Luck!
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