Recently I had a narcotics team in michigan bust into my house. I had given my buddy a half ounce of pot. That he had got caught with. They broke in with a search warrent and tore my whole house apart. During this search they had found nothing except a bag of seeds containing no pot. They had searched my computer and found that I had a growing/informational website on maijuina for this they had seized my computer. I was arressed then released. I asked how would get my computer back and they told me that I had to pay, $250.00 Just to take them to court and the officer informed me that I would gurentee a loss. Does any one know of any action I could take to get this computer back? It's a brand new computer, they took the 21 inch monitor along with it. Its very valuable a total of over $2,500.00 Dollars in hardware? Any help would be greatly apperciated. Thanks!
Also, during this whole situation I was never read my rights or was informed of what I was being charged with at any time. They never gave me any information about court or anything at all or even tried contacting me.