Condo Association Dues

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My jurisdiction is: Michigan

Hi: My parents moved into a condo in 1999 and they did not offer cable nor did they want cable. In 2005 they put in cable as an option and my parents turned it down. in 2009 the association is now demanding everyone get and pay for cable due to the mgt signing a 5 year cable contract with Comcast with a minimun of 100 customers. Since they didnt get the 100, they said EVERYONE has to get and pay for cable.

I looked at the by-laws and in one section it says that the condo association does not cover, taxes, lights, gas, phone, and CABLE.

My mom turned in her January check minus the $32 for cable and they sent it back to her saying that she owes for cable.

Since they didnt ammend their contract with the tennants, can they do this?

My parents are on fixed income and they also dont want calbe because of religious reasons.

Any advice on how I proceed with the mgt company?

Thanks much!
It is impossible to answer the question without seeing all the paperwork. With regard to the by-laws, were they changed? I assume they were not amended and you're stating that the association overstepped their boundaries. It's something you may want to raise, especially in writing. Why not start addressing it politely in that manner?
If you parents are tenants - then no. If your parents are owners in the HOA - then yes...they owe the additional monies. Original documents govern for the first year and then the HOA/board can change them with majority of owner/members agreement.
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