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I own a small Home Theatre Business,its an L.L.C.The company is in my name.Now i understand,before i mention more that i got myself into this mess without seeing everything.My business partner controls all the accounts,accountant,payroll company,insurance.I have been in the dark with what this business makes and the taxes and pretty much everything.He handles it all.Pretty much i trusted him.He cuts me out a check every week for $500.His name is on the business accounts and not mine.His friend from the bank helps him.whom i never met.Now i have no idea what the profits are because i don't see them and i wanted to trust him.My employees are bringing home more money than me a week.I'm looking to close the business and just get myself a new job.I am not making any enough money and with the problems.I'm curious to know how to go about this situation.If i close the L.L.C business am i liable to pay i do not have.Am i able to call all of our companies we have contracts with and have have all final checks mailed to my home address and not his.How do i go about finding out what payroll company we use so i can cancel.I got myself in a mess over trust and i understand i was foolish and i'm trying now to figure out how to get out of this because this is my livelihood,before i get myself deeper.If someone can help me i would highly appreciate this.

You should discuss with your partner for all profit and loss of business. Today is not easy to set up a new business. I will suggest you find mistake in business. L.L.C business have good money.
ConnLaws, you should speak with your attorney before confronting your partner.
Don't discuss any of this with anyone but your lawyer.
You've set yourself up for this disaster, please don't do it again by trying to do it cheap or FREE.
Your issues are potentially much larger than you described.
Act normally, see your attorney, discuss this, then proceed as agreed.

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