

New York
I was walking out of my place of employment to take a break and my Asst Manager was standing at the exit as I walked past him, he asked me what I had in my pocket. I informed him I was going on my break. He continued outside and grabbed my arm, I told him to get his hands off of me. I took my break and when I went back inside he informed me that he called the Company's security. When security came he escorted me into the managers office, and my Asst manager left the office as it was past his time to be at work. I told the security person that me and my manager had prior issues and that I had informed my shop steward the day before of what had happened between me and the Asst manager. I told my steward that I was waiting for the Store Manager to return the following week to report what was said to me by the Asst manager. He told me I was his worst full time employee he ever had and I brushed that aside and never said anything then a few months later which was last week i said to him you seem to have a problem with me and he said yea because you suck. I said to him am gonna report you to human resources and he said go ahead. I also told the steward that i told another employee that the asst manager had told me the reason the other asst manager that he replaced was "BANGING' her and he made a comment that got him transferred. I told her i was gonna report it and that's why i was telling her what he said to me. The thing i was excused of having in my pocket apron was a roll that i brought into the store when i returned from my lunch hour. I was going outside to my car to get my lunch to bring into have heated in the microwave in the employee break room. The security person who was called asked me if he could search my car and i said no. That's when i knew i wasn't getting through to him about the reasons i was being accused so i told him until my union is present am enforcing my Weingarten Rights. He said stop trying to be a lawyer and sit down i said no am leaving. I told him my scheduled time is over and am leaving. He stood in front of the office door so i couldn't get passed him. I then dialed 911 and told the operator that i was being detained against my will. She asked what was happening and i told her. She informed me to wait out front for an Officer she was dispatching. The security person decided to let me squeeze around him but said don't touch me as i was trying to get around him. Inside the office there's a camera that will show he was not letting me leave. He then told me i was suspended and for me to leave the apron i was wearing. I said i am not. I was afraid he would take items and put them in the pocket and say these were the items i stole. I went outside and the 911 operator called me and i told her i was outside and that i was leaving she said ok. Then i called them back and told them i left so there was no need for the police to respond she said there already on there way i said ok but am not returning. When i got home i called my union rep and informed them i was suspended and because its the weekend i wont no what will happen, but my nephew who's a cop said he had no right to detain you against your will. He said you should of waited for the officer to arrive but understood why i left. What course of action should i take and should i have been stopped leaving my store without the asst manager knowing if i bought the roll from home. I no i didn't steal it so he cant say he say me take it and put it in my apron pocket. Just angry and confused, any help would be appreciated.

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