Other Criminal Charges & Offenses Confused


New Member
Hello, my 19yr. Old son and his girlfriend were riding in a car with three other guys. So the guys go in to by pills and owner of house comes out yelling and saying to the fellas don't come back. He home owner proceeded to fire his gun in air. The vehicle with my son in it went down the street and got an ak-47 and the guy in car drove by his house firing the gun. So 5 of the people went to jail for a terristic act what I do not understand is why my son is being charged with guilty by association and his girlfriend friend which was in car also isn't being charged! Is it because my son is considered black and his gf is white? I don't get it I would think is you r gna charge 5 people and let the 6th not being charged!? Any help is greatly appreciated.
I have no idea why the girlfriend isn't being charged but your son being charged has nothing to do with race. It has to do with stupidity.

The vehicle with my son in it went down the street and got an ak-47 and the guy in car drove by his house firing the gun.

Presumably the car stopped and the guy got out to go get the AK-47 and then had to walk back to the car carrying it.

That was the moment your stupid son should have grabbed his girlfriend, gotten out of the car and ran away as fast as possible.

He didn't.

Hope he has a good lawyer.
The reason could have a lot to do with statements that were made at the time and prior arrests, if any.
We can only speculate as to why one person might be let go, but I assure you it happens all the time and could be for many legitimate reasons other than race.
Snitches or CIs are rarely charged.

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