Confusion about child support

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I'm not sure if anyone can help me, but here's my issue. My fiance is facing time in jail. I have one child with him and expecting another. I want to apply for government assistance (TANF) but in order to do so I have to order child support from the father. I don't want my fiance to spend more time in jail for failure to pay child support and we plan to remain together throughout his sentence and after his release. How or what can I do to handle this situation?
And to clarity, he is not on my child's birth certificate, she has my last name as will the child to come since the father and I aren't married.
Well..there's no LEGAL way around the TANF issue.

So other than that, I'm not sure what your legal question is.
Well, it's not my intention at all to commit fraud. I was just wondering if pursuing child support was necessary as the father and I are "together" just not together at the moment.
If you apply for TANF, the state WILL pursue child support.

You don't have a choice in the matter.

Does he owe child support for other kids?
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