Consolidation of Forums - Suggestions

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Michael Wechsler

Staff member
I want to collapse some forums that get minor activity. Would like suggestions from you guys as to what you think.

It appears to me that there are too many categories, even though it's nice to have separation of topics. At times in makes sense to put them together, sometimes not. I have about 10 I am going to collapse.
Why not just have 1 forum for each type of law?:yes:
Good question. Here's the problem:

(1) Some things make it difficult to browse and find what you need. E.g. - If you're looking for DUI / DWI, you don't want to have to sift through people with assault issues, search and seizure, violent crimes, etc. You need some separation. Same thing comes from consumer/personal versus business, e.g. "bankruptcy." Options and issues are very different.

(2) Those with a specialty would like to have their own domain to easily see and browse. I've got some ideas and will collapse a bunch of the forums but not lose the specialization.
I agree- too many categories. Most of the people that come here to ask questions are probably overwhelmed by the choices. Rather than having so many categories in the forum there could instead be a way to categorize the question in he subject line, similar to how jurisdiction is shown.
For my own usage all I ever click on is the link for new posts since my last login.
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