Is forging Federally regulated documents by an MD a Felony? Is conspiring to committ fraud much more serious- all things being equal- than committing fraud without conspiring? Are these civil or criminal matters? If employer directins an employee to take a drug test (for DOT regulated business) an invasion of privacy,
if employee was already terminated? Is firing an employee for applying for unemployment compensation, wrongful termination, based on protected activity or breach of public policy or both(see avery transportation v. highhouse)?. If an MRO does not conduct the verification interview and employee is fired, can this be considered at least "professional negligence" if not medical malpractice (apparently no duty of care is established with donor, only with contractor) ? If employer libels a former employee to government officials wrecklessly or maliciously, might employee have grounds for pursuing damages even if no harm to his career can be proven in the short term?