Contacting the Judge and Prosecutor prior to arraignment

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New Member
Hi All,
In a criminal case involving animal cruelty, the victim and many of their supporters are contacting the prosecutor prior to the defendant's arraignment to encourage him to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. They are also contacting the judge prior to the arraignment to encourage him to sentence the defendant to the maximum sentence "IF" he is found guilty. Is this in any way unethical or unlawful?
Q: Is this in any way unethical or unlawful?

A: It is highly unethical. But how do you know for sure that the victims are contacting the judge and prosecutor about you? The judge and the prosecutor may not even be getting these messages.

If you think either or both of them are getting these messages, then your lawyer should ask that either or both of them be disqualified in your case.
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