Continous Harrassment by Supervisor

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From the point of me getting the job three years ago, I have been yelled at, called incompetent, stupid, belittled, and my stress level is through the roof. The company is small, to be honest there should not be any one person with any amount of stress. Its just not that type of company. The task are simple, nothing that really requires thought. But, this person feels that he can yell and belittle people on a daily basis. I have threatened to write a grievence, which caused the higher ups to have a talk with he and I. Briefly, he calmed down; but, now things have gotten out of control. I don't deserve to be addressed in the manner that he is, nor does anyone else.

Today, because of the frustration I quit the job. I had to leave, the manner that he feels that he can treat a person is uncalled for. I was told by the project manager to take some time to calm down and return tomorrow. I don't feel that I want to return. We will sit down again, have this heart to heart conversation. A couple of months will pass, he will return to his normal self.

Do I have any recourse?:rolleyes:
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