continuation of do I have a case..

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Back to the PIP, throughout the 90 days, my district manager came to my office a total of 4 times. None of which to discuss the PIP. No interim meetings, no extra training, no help or support of any kind. In fact, we didn't talk about it at all. In the PIP, there was a number at the bottom listed that employees can call if they need help, it is a third party company hired by my company that consists of free counseling. I called on a Sunday and spoke to a counselor. I told her about the PIP and everything that has gone on. She advised me that everything I was telling her was a hostile work environment and discrimination. She asked me what other branch's were doing and if they were put on PIPS, she asked me how the male managers were treated opposed to females. I am not one to cry discrimination, but the more I look at the whole situation, I think that's what we have here. She advised me to let my dm know that I was working with them and that if he didn't do anything to go above his head. She said that everything has been directed to my failure and that I have had no help. This has affected me mentally as well as physically for the past 90 days. She advise me that I go to counseling.

In February, one of my employees made a racial comment. The african american gentleman in my office became very upset and my district manager was in my office the next day to discuss it. We spent the entire day doing one-on-ones with each employee and then contacted HR. The employee who said the comment who is a female, was concerned as to why this was being taken care of so quickly and when she had expressed her concern about things he was saying in the office that offended her, it was pushed under the carpet. My district manager told her that what he said was not racially offensive so it was different. I had to give the employee that said the racial comment a Record of Discussion and review the Mutual Respect policy with all of them. Why was this problem taken care of so quickly? Why isn't the salary issue being taken care of with the same sense of urgency.

I have gotten 1 merit raise of 1.5% in the past 4 years. I have not made a manager's bonus since I became a manager..and this is based off of the branch's performance. I have asked for help, but no one will give me any suggestions.

A branch very close to mine, which is a mirror image of my portfolio has been without a manager. The gentleman who recently got the position advised me that the reason it took so long for them to give him the branch is because he wanted to make sure he was properly compensated for taking on such a big branch. There is no doubt in my mind that he is making quite more than what I do.

So, all of that out of the way, on March 1, my dm called me to ask me where I would stand on taking a demotion instead of losing my job since we did not meet the numbers on the PIP. This was the first time that we had discussed the PIP and he couldn't even do it in person. I advised him that I needed the weekend to think about it.

I called and spoke to another female manager that is a friend of mine who is also in my district. She had told me that she was in pretty much the same situation as I am because she was given a letter stating that if she fails her audit, she will be fired. No one else in the district was given this letter. She had said that she was being treated the same way, no training, etc. She felt that she also makes less than what the other male manager's make and has not received a merit increase. I also spoke to another female manager who has been with the company for over 25 years. She said that she has not received a merit increase in the past three years either. I spent four hours on the phone with her yesterday and she advised me that when she found out what was going on with me, she immediately called a the male manager that is my district manager's right hand man. Any time that my district manager is off, he is put in charge. Any time you call my dm with a question, he advises you to call this manager. My district manager tells him everything. There is no doubt in my mind that he already knew what was going on with me. He advised the female manager that he couldn't talk about it.

So, what do I make of all of this? What do I do? Do I quit, do I let them fire me? Do I file a lawsuit? I'm lost.

Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for listening.
Why do you think you have a basis for a lawsuit?
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