Contributing To Delinquency/Mail Fraud

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The situation is this: My friend is 28, living in Ohio. A person he was talking to on the internet is 17, to be 18 in a few months. She lives in Nebraska. She came to visit him (crossing 4 state lines) and was picked up by the police as soon as she got off the bus. She paid for the ticket to Ohio, anD it was not a planned visit, (i.e. she did not knowing plan on leaving ahead of time) It was a "spur of the moment decision" She did NOT tell her parents where she was going... and in the 18 hours it took to get from Nebraska to Ohio, her parents OBTAINED HER MAIL from college, OPENED it, and extrapolated from there where she went. (hence the reason police were there waiting for her). These letters that were written, were written before her visit, and do not mention her visiting until AFTER her 18th birthday, so I'm pretty sure that there was no mal intent for Contributing. She was arrested in ohio for being an "Unruly child", "runaway" . (Which isn't against the law in NE.)

With her, she had brought her computer harddrive, which was confiscated by (so I was told) the FBI, to find any evidence of wrong doing on his part. (Ie. coersion, etc). The only statements that were made that can be interpreted in this way is "I want you here now!!!" There was "adult" conversation involved in their talks, but as she is 17, (and the age of consent is 17 in NE, 16 in Ohio), would that affect him too?

So the question is: a) What can the 28yr old be charged with, as he didn't pay for the minor's ticket, and b) Can the parents of the minor be charged with mail tampering / fraud for OBTAINING her campus mail (within 24 hours of her departure) and OPENING her mail?

Any help on this would be appreciated. He's worried that his college studies will be affected by any charges, and he is an upstanding citizen, former military, etc.

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