convicted Juvenile sex offender in Public High School???????

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Our local public school system in Georgia has recently enrolled a juvenile sex offender. What are our rights as parents and what are our students' rights? The student has an ankle monitor and rides the regular school bus route. I don't know the Juvenile Laws pertaining to school in Georgia and need to be educated before addressing this matter.
You have the right to withdraw your child from the school if you're not happy.

But you must understand, the student still has the right to go to school. There is nothing in the Georgia statutes specifically preventing a convicted juvenile SO from attending public school, so unless there is a restriction in place as part of his/her sentence I'm not seeing where you have any recourse other than withdrawing your own child/ren.
Just because hes a sex offender he might not be considered dangerous to others. Yes this sounds strange but let me explain. I went through this (somewhat) a while back. While visitng a site that list sex offenders and where they lived I noticed one that lived a few blocks away. Ok I could direct our kids to walk a different way no biggie. What got me was this house was literally across the street from a grammar school! I mean literally if he crossed the street from his home he would be on school grounds! I called Police to ask about this. Where they could not give me details they did explain he was not considered dangerous or a preditor in the normal sense. They hinted it was a BF/GF situation and the offender was an adult and the victim his GF but underage. Example he was 18 (age of consent in CA) but she was 17. Now they did do a probation check to make sure all was ok but like I said he was not considered dangerous at all. This might be a similar siutation. As stated you do have the option to pull your child from the school and enroll him/her in another. You might even protest to the School board. He (The offender) has the right to his education and as long as there appears to be no risk to others he can get that education in public school.
I'd get a group of concerned citizens together and bring this issue before your elected school board.

Getting two or three thousand names on a petition might get you results.

The pervert is entitled to an education, and there are other ways to make all children safe.

By the way, how old is this apprentice pervert?
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I am not certain we should label this Juvenile offender a "pervert" or "apprentice pervert" for exact reason I stated in my earlier post. Where I certainly find the act wrong and clearly unlawful I am as of yet uncertain this person is a preditor or just a kid who gave in to his desires. One can assume that there was no violence or force within the crime or surely a court would never permit him to be near a school campus much less enroll him! I agree with the Op's concerns for their own child but Op should do more checking (as I did) into this offender and his status as far as risks are concerned. Of course OP's besto option if OP objects to this youngsters (I assume he is likely under 18 himself) enrollment at this school is to move their child from that school and complain to their elected school board
I'd get a group of co corned citizens together a d bring ths sue before your elected school board.

Getting two or three thousand names on a petition might get you results.

The pervert is entitled to an education, and there are other ways to make all children safe.

By the way, how old is this apprentice pervert?[/QUOTE

He is in the 9th grade. Do not know the age. The School Board is the only option that makes since to me also. I posted this to find out what legal rights he has and we have.
I realize everyone has a right to change schools. I will not remove my kids from a school where they are established because of this. It is the only high school in our county. Just trying to get info on our rights and the sex offender's. He does have an ankle monitor so he can't be harmless.
He is in the 9th grade. Do not know the age. The School Board is the only option that makes since to me also. I posted this to find out what legal rights he has and we have.
Having an ankle monitor does not make him dangerous! If he was dangerous his probation would have conditions that would likely forbid him attending public schools
We didn't, I did!!!

I am not certain we should label this Juvenile offender a "pervert" or "apprentice pervert" for exact reason I stated in my earlier post. Where I certainly find the act wrong and clearly unlawful I am as of yet uncertain this person is a preditor or just a kid who gave in to his desires. One can assume that there was no violence or force within the crime or surely a court would never permit him to be near a school campus much less enroll him! I agree with the Op's concerns for their own child but Op should do more checking (as I did) into this offender and his status as far as risks are concerned. Of course OP's besto option if OP objects to this youngsters (I assume he is likely under 18 himself) enrollment at this school is to move their child from that school and complain to their elected school board
I wonder how this freak's victim(s) and their parents feel about this creature?

I don't think I'd be feeling very charitable to this convicted criminal.

I don't give a darn about his desires.

I care about his vctim(s), screw him!!!

I am not certain we should label this Juvenile offender a "pervert" or "apprentice pervert" for exact reason I stated in my earlier post. Where I certainly find the act wrong and clearly unlawful I am as of yet uncertain this person is a preditor or just a kid who gave in to his desires. One can assume that there was no violence or force within the crime or surely a court would never permit him to be near a school campus much less enroll him! I agree with the Op's concerns for their own child but Op should do more checking (as I did) into this offender and his status as far as risks are concerned. Of course OP's besto option if OP objects to this youngsters (I assume he is likely under 18 himself) enrollment at this school is to move their child from that school and complain to their elected school board
OP you need to find the circumstances of the offense and the conditions of his probation. Its sound slike a 15 year old who engaged in sex or sex acts with a GF. this does make him a pervert or a risk to others. You need to investigate this further and not lable people.
I realize everyone has a right to change schools. I will not remove my kids from a school where they are established because of this. It is the only high school in our county. Just trying to get info on our rights and the sex offender's. He does have an ankle monitor so he can't be harmless.

That pretty much guarantees the school board will not cater to you.

And really - if he was actually deemed to be a threat, he wouldn't be in public school.
Hello, OP, these links might help you, as you prepare to speak about the convicted sexual offender in your local high school.

Your state, GA, does not adhere to the requirement that sexual offenders adjudicated before a juvenile court are required to register as sexual offenders. This requirement cam about as a result of the "Adam Walsh Law".,2096,67862954_87983024,00.html

Georgia only requires an offender to register as a sexual offender while on probation or parole.

But, juvenile offenders are NOT required to register, if adjudicated before a juvenile court.

Odd that word of this budding sexual predator's activities have been leaked, huh???
I had the same situation at my daughters high school, turns out his charge was rape of a 5 year old child. So yes they can be a threat and it isn't necessarily a "misunderstanding" between another very close in age teen. I don't care if they are a juvenile and are protected, if they choose to attend the school parents should have a right to know. This kid got involved with my daughter and ruined our life, she had to go live with relatives to get her away from him, someone who starts this young can be very dangerous. Also don't think the school is going to protect your kids...we like to think that but it is just not the case, no one notified us when this guy was starting to show interest in my daughter and they never provided any support while we were living in this nightmare, her sense of safety is completely destroyed now.
Unless they did extensive testing and psychological profiling they will not know the extent of the risk. This guy we have dealt with is a total risk and he is in the school and rode the school bus with young kids. He had a "shadow" who was hired to keep track of him on school grounds but that completely failed as he eluded the shadow and then participated in sports at school without the shadow. Schools can drop the ball believe me, dont think the school is going to watch out for your kid, you have to.
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