Corrective Action Plan

I have been placed on a corrective action plan by my manager without prior notice.
I have been with the company for 21 years. This is the first time this has happened to me.
The role I have is very complicated. Management continued to add tasks. I made a conscious decision to focus on what I could do best and what I thought my focus had to be since I could not do all tasks efficiently, effectively, and with quality.
My manager had conversations about my metrics, which are below goal, I admit that. She offered suggestions which made it clear she did not understand my predicament.
I reported the many struggles and barriers I faced several times.
It seems to have fallen on deaf ears as nothing was offered to help me through my struggles.
Do you have any suggestions? I have called HR without resolution.
There is no legal requirement that you be provided prior's up to your employer's policies on how they handle performance issues....

I suggest instead of you deciding the priorities/focus based on what you think you do best that you make sure you are putting first priority on those that are within the metrics you are being measured on. Listen to her suggestions and follow them.

Why are you struggling and what barriers do you face? What help have you asked for? (not all requests are able to be fulfilled or required to be fulfilled)... Unless they are related to a specific disability (based on the definition under ADA), your job duties and their measurements belong to your employer.
Do you have any suggestions?

It is time to retire, if retirement is available to you.

It is also time to seek another employer if you must continue (or desire) to "work".
Agree, this is not a legal issue.
You need to work this out with the employer.
If you have been assigned to many tasks and can't manage them then it is a problem for them to resolve.
If you simply aren't able to manage the tasks they have assigned but someone else can manage them then it is something you need to figure out how to improve before you get replaced.
As far as prioritizing tasks you might discuss that with the manager. The more you communicate the difficulties you are having the more assistance you should get. If you say nothing and fail to perform then it just looks worse.

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