Covert Community Investigations. Gang Stalking

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Covert Community Investigations. Gang Stalking.

Hello there,

I am writing to find out more about community investigations. It recently came out in several U.K. papers that people had been placed under investigations for simple things like littering and anti-social behaviours.

The types of investigations they had been placed under involved using R.I.P.A. laws to spy on them. When I say spy on them, I mean they had what are called, covert human intellegence sources, community spies, following
people around, they had these people's phones, tapped, used CCTV camera on them and opened mail and email. Some of these investigations went on for months.

The reason that I bring this up, is because I am trying to find out information on these types of investigations, and what can be done. I am wondering if
a person suspects that they are under this sort of covert investigation what can they do? Many have tried private investigators or find that lawyers want them to gather the proof before taking the case.

I am looking for answers for a couple of places. Since the information came out in the U.K. there are several organisation that have a better handle of what is happening, but in the United States and Canada, and other countries the media has not come out with as much information.

I will go with New York, New York, United States and Vancouver B.C. Canada, Ottawa ON, Canada.

In these three locations, what would a target of a suspected covert opperation do?

In many cases there is information coming out the these countries might be using secret databases where the clients can not use the usual F.O.I.A. requests to access the information.

The privacy commisioner of Canada came out with such a report, and the ACLU came out with a similar report about American Fusion Centers, and information being stored in secret databases, that the public can not

If someone is under a covert investigation being followed, monitored, etc, and the information is going into a seperate or secret datebase, what can they do to get help?
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