A protective order issued on behalf of your girlfriend? Someone else? And why?
The protection order was on behalf of my girlfriend. The ex and his mother have made threats against her, physically prevented her from leaving last time children were exchanged. And he has been physically violent towards her in the past.
By whom?
They will not say who made the claims. But the call was placed the day after the protective orders was served. The ex mother-in-law has threatened to call CPS and make up allegations in the past.
I'm not sure what the allegations are as of right now.
Do they spend time at your house? If so, how much time?
They do spend some time here. Mostly when the threats are being made and she does not feel safe at her house.
I am confident there are dozens of things you can do. Do you have a problem with CPS doing a "home visit" at your residence? If so, feel free to tell them no.