Crashing Neighbors Dirt bike

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Yesterday my brother and I were in his garage drinking and catching up on old times. His neighbor from across the street came out of his house to wash his truck. We both said hello and my brother noticed the neighbor had a new dirt bike. My brother said nice bike! The neighbor said Thanks! Would you like to ride it? My brother and I said NO! The neighbor sat his bucket and auto cleaning supplies down on the ground and wheeled his new bike over to my brothers drive way. The neighbor insisted we ride the bike and started it for my brother. My brother takes off with no trouble and brings it back. When my brother gets off the bike he shuts it off. The neighbor starts it for me and I hop on and I start off great. I looked down for a second to find the gear shifter because it didnt stick out that far. When I looked up I was heading towards a garbage can that was stuck out a little far from the curb. I made a hard left and the bike slid out from under me and I hit the pavement. The bike has MINOR scratches. I ended up with a bad gash in the palm of my hand, my foot has a deep gash with black and blue bruising, my knee is very sore to walk on, and my wrist hurts to move it. He is threatening to take me to small claims court for $1350 for parts that are barely scratched. Am i liable?
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