Creditor refused payment saying I was dead


New Member
I consistently for years made payments on a credit card on time, as I do with all my accounts. When I went to make a usual payment in June of 2016 creditor said, they had reason to believe I was dead and I could no longer access the website or discuss my account with them. I asked how the error could be corrected. I said ,my credit is important to me I don't want your mistake to ruin my credit. I was assured that I would have two months to send in my proof of life ie: a letter, my paystub saying I wasn't dead. I did this. I got no response. I then got letters saying my debt was sold. Now finally a third or fourth collection place that has purchased my account is suing me. I never was unwilling to pay this debt, however, when they said I was dead and refused my payment and locked me out of my account and destroyed my credit. I was not willing to pay a collection agency who destroyed my credit because of no fault of my own. PLEASE HELP!
I consistently for years made payments on a credit card on time, as I do with all my accounts. When I went to make a usual payment in June of 2016 creditor said, they had reason to believe I was dead and I could no longer access the website or discuss my account with them. I asked how the error could be corrected. I said ,my credit is important to me I don't want your mistake to ruin my credit. I was assured that I would have two months to send in my proof of life ie: a letter, my paystub saying I wasn't dead. I did this. I got no response. I then got letters saying my debt was sold. Now finally a third or fourth collection place that has purchased my account is suing me. I never was unwilling to pay this debt, however, when they said I was dead and refused my payment and locked me out of my account and destroyed my credit. I was not willing to pay a collection agency who destroyed my credit because of no fault of my own. PLEASE HELP!

You need REAL help, not strangers on the Internet.

Find yourself a lawyer, a real lawyer in your county.
If you have saved copies of your letters and documents you should be able to make a convincing argument in court if you should actually get that far.
All communication should be done in writing from now on. Don't discuss anything on the phone.
You'll still owe the debt, but may get interest and fees cancelled from it.
I am fine paying the debt but I want this off of my credit report most. I have an answer prepared to mail to day, the form in Michigan allowed for affirmative defenses other: I added The plantiff has not standing- failed to state a claim on which relief can be granted, amount on debt is disputed, breach of contract for refusing y payments, conduct of defendant was in good faith, lack of causation because defendant was not the proximate cause of plantiffs wrong, - Are these crazy or is it okay for me to include all of these?
I didn't save the letters, I only got the one saying it was sold to a creditor, the second time it got sold I did not get a letter from this plantiff indicating it was sold to them.

I have my hand written documentation of phone calls and copies of the letters I sent. I also have my credit report the shows pays on time for all bills including this one, until they refused saying I was dead.

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