Negligence, Other Injury criminal act by mother creates death certificate of the fathers son

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If a person knowingly gives incorrect information to the coroner that would effect the accuracy of the contents of a certificate of death,would it be considered a crime? When my son committed suicide my sons mother gave the coroner her boyfriends name as being my 15 year old sons,biological father. I'm still trying to get this corrected 2yrs later. Is this considered to be a crime?
First of all, I'm sorry to hear of your loss.
Only your county district attorney determines which acts are prosecutable as crimes.
I suggest you reach out to him or her.
As long as you know you are his dad, why put his grieving mother and your family through this?
Don't answer that, just think about it.
God bless you all. You all need His loving Hands to heal your pain.
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